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10 Years to Diagnosis (If You are a Woman).
Something really weird happened this summer. I am talking really weird. My husband got sick and his doctor called him to see how he was...
Sep 26, 20236 min read

Someone I love Told me Climate Change is a Hoax. We Must Confront our Climate Blind Spots
Sometimes, when traveling, you meet the most interesting people. Like, twenty plus years ago, I was on a plane heading to a conference...
Aug 30, 20235 min read

Why Do We Need Tenure? Have You Ever Heard of Galileo?
Many years ago, when I was a highly opinionated undergraduate student in Speech Communication at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, I explained...
May 30, 20237 min read

Professor Trauma is Real
Last night I had a nightmare. I dreamed that I did not have time to read Francie Smith’s (who graduated at least 10 years ago)...
May 2, 20236 min read

Sticks and Stones may Break your Bones, but Sexual Harassment Leaves Scars.
Sticks and Stones may Break your Bones, but Sexual Harassment Leaves Scars.
Apr 4, 20235 min read

The Age of Feminism (or Should I Say "The Ageism of Feminism"?)
I went to visit my Grandmother last week. She told me that my new book, Sexual Harassment and Organizational Culture, reads like a novel...
Mar 28, 20233 min read

How Should I Talk About My Pain?
I have been in a lot of pain lately. Not the existential kind. The physical kind. It has been going on for close to five months and I am...
Mar 21, 20234 min read

Victim Blaming. Six Stupid Things People Say.
One of the most ridiculous, mean spirited things that we do as a society is blame victims for being victimized. Victim blaming is a well...
Mar 7, 20237 min read

What is Your Superpower? It is Time to Put Your Privilege on the Line.
What would have happened if Superman had decided that everyone can fly if they really want to? Or, "if you just punch harder, then you...
Mar 1, 20236 min read

Hey Managers, If Your Organizational Culture is a Web, are You the Spider or the Fly?
If organizational cultures are webs of meaning, then who weaves the web? Who is caught in the web? Are managers the spider or the fly?
Feb 21, 20234 min read

Destroy Your Organizational Culture in Three Easy Steps!
Here are some of the ways that organizational leaders inadvertently damage their organizational cultures.
Feb 14, 20235 min read

Where do these Wicked Workplace Problems Come From?
How do we recognize wicked problems, like sexual harassment? This blog provides advice about how problems become embedded in an organization
Feb 7, 20234 min read

Damned if You Do. Damned if You Don't. The Paradox of Femininity
The paradox of femininity makes it impossible for women to be judged as good, or even as good enough.
Jan 31, 20234 min read

What is Going on with this "Man Thing"?
This blog uses personal stories and the children's movie "Rescue Heroes" to describe traumatic masculinity.
Jan 24, 20236 min read

The Unique Person Syndrome
By Debbie S. Dougherty I am sorry to have to tell you this, but we are not as special as we think we are. The problem isn’t that we think...
Jan 17, 20235 min read

Women in the Big Tent
By Debbie S. Dougherty Has anyone else found the questions about what is a woman kind of weird? I mean, usually people obsess about...
Jan 10, 20235 min read

Andrew Tate Does not Care About Your Politics.
A friend of mine told me she loved my blog, but could not share it because she lived in a conservative community. I was surprised,...
Jan 3, 20233 min read

The Word of the Year for 2023 is. . .
The Word of the Year for 2023 is Let's do This Thing.
Dec 27, 20225 min read

Find Your Joy? Tis the Season to Be Jolly? That is a Lot of Pressure!
Has anyone else noticed the gathering pressure to find #joy? There are books, and articles, and speeches, and blogs, all suggesting that...
Dec 20, 20222 min read

Adored, Dreaded, Loved, and Loathed: Do you have a Predator at the office Holiday Party?
One of the most adored, dreaded, loved, and loathed events is just around the corner. I am talking about the annual workplace parties.
Dec 13, 20223 min read
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